Rampage Shadow Armor
Increases Rampage Blast damage by 5%.
For every 2 refine level, increases Rampage Blast damage by additional 2%.
Class: Shadow Equipment
Location : Armor
Weight: 0
Required Level: 99
Jobs: Sura
Rampage Shadow Shield
Increases ranged physical damage by 3%.
When refined to 7 or higher, increases long ranged physical damage by 3%.
When refined to 9 or higher, increases long ranged physical damage by 4%.
Set Bonus
Rampage Shadow Armor
Rampage Shadow Shield
Rampage Shadow Shoes
Increases Rampage Blast damage by half of the sum of refine rate.
Class: Shadow Equipment
Location : Shield
Weight: 0
Required Level: 99
Jobs: Sura
Rampage Shadow Shoes
Reduces cooldown of Rampage Blast by 0.2 seconds.
For every 3 refine level, reduce cooldown of Rampage Blast by additional 0.1 second.
Class: Shadow Equipment
Location : Shoes
Weight: 0
Required Level: 99
Jobs: Sura
Adoramus Shadow Weapon
Increases holy property magic damage by 3%.
When refined to 7 or higher, increases holy property magical damage by additional 3%.
When refined to 9 or higher, increases holy property magical damage by additional 4%.
Set Bonus:
Adoramus Shadow Weapon
Adoramus Shadow Pendant
Adoramus Shadow Earring
Increases Adoramus damage by half of the sum of refine rate.
Set Bonus:
Adoramus Shadow Weapon
Archbishop Shadow Shield
Ignores 40% of magic defense of all races except players, ignores additional
magic defense equal to the sum of refinement of Adoramus Shadow Weapon/Archbishop Shadow Shield
Class: Shadow Equipment
Location: Weapon
Weight: 0
Required Level: 99
Jobs: Archbishop
Adoramus Shadow Pendant
Increases Adoramus damage by 5%.
For every 2 refine level, increases Adoramus damage by additional 2%
Class: Shadow Equipment
Location: Pendant
Weight: 0
Required Level: 99
Jobs: Archbishop
Adoramus Shadow Earring
Reduces SP consumption of Adoramus by 2%.
For every 2 refine level, Reduces SP consumption of Adoramus by 1.
Class: Shadow Equipment
Location: Pendant
Weight: 0
Required Level: 99
Battle Aura Manteau
Immune to Knockback.
Able to use level 5 Call Spirit
For every 3 refine level, melee/ranged physical damage +4%.
When refined to 7 or higher, Perfect HIT +8.
When refined to 9 or higher, increases physical damage against targets
of all attributes by 10%.
When refined to 11 or higher, Perfect HIT +15.
Set Bonus
Battle Aura Manteau
Old Blazing Soul
For every refine level of Old Blazing Soul,
increases Earthshaker and Rampage Blast damage by 2%.
For every 2 refine level of Old Blazing Soul,
reduces skill cooldown of Earthshaker and Rampage Blast damage by 0.1 second.
Set Bonus
Battle Aura Manteau
Ifrit Card
Increases physical damage against Human and Human Player by 30%.
Increases physical damage against Angel and Demon by 40%.
Resistance to Fire property +50%
Resistance to Water property -30%
Able to use level 5 Fury
When using Fury, ATK +150 for 10 sec.
Increases Fury skill cooldown by 20 sec.
Class: Garment
Defense : 20
Weight: 10
Required Level: 100
Jobs: All Jobs
Record of Thief
ASPD +10%.
For every 2 level of skill Hiding, ATK + 15
Set Bonus:
Old Bone Circlet
Record of Thief
Ignores 15% of physical defense of monsters of all races.
Increase physical damage against monsters of all sizes by 10%
Set Bonus:
Old Shadow Handicraft
Record of Thief
When using Triangle Shot skill, there is a 3% chance to
activate Unlimit Lv.3 for 5 seconds.
Additonal consumption SP + 100% during activation time.
Class: Accessory(Right)
Defense : 0
Weight: 10
Required Level: 100
Jobs: 3rd Thief Class
Record of Acolyte
Increases range damage +5%.
ASPD +5%.
For every 2 level of skill Heal, ATK +10, MATK +10.
Set Bonus:
Old Mitra
Record of Acolyte
Reduces HP by 300 when killing monsters.
Adoramus damage reduced by 200%.
Reduces global cooldown by 30%.
When using Offertorium, increases Judex damage by 400% for 90 seconds, and SP consumption increased by 100%.
Set Bonus:
Old Blazing Soul
Record of Acolyte
Increases range damage +15%.
Increases Rampage Blast damage by 30%.
When using Rampage Blast, has 50% chance to auto cast Zen.
Class: Accessory(Right)
Defense : 0
Weight: 10
Required Level: 100
Jobs: 3rd Acolyte Class
Record of Archer
Reduces global delay by 5%.
For every 2 level of skill Improve Concentration, increases ranged physical damage to all enemies by 3%.
Set Bonus:
Old Camouflage Bunny Hood
Record of Archer
Increases critical damage by 15%.
Increases Focused Arrow Strike damage by 30%.
Able to use level 1 Cicada Skin Shed.
Increases cooldown time of skill Cicada Skin Shed by 10 seconds.
Set Bonus:
Old Maestro Song's Hat
Record of Archer
Old Dying Swan
Record of Archer
Increases phyical damage to all size enemies by 15%.
Increases Severe Rainstorm damage by 30%.
Reduces cooldown skill of Severe Rainstorm by 1.5 seconds.
Class: Accessory(Right)
Defense : 0
Weight: 10
Required Level: 100
Jobs: 3rd Archer Class
Maximum Mammoth Shadow Box
A device that will produce random shadow listed below:
Maximum Mammoth Shadow Armor
Maximum Mammoth Shadow Shoes
Maximum Mammoth Shadow Earring
Maximum Mammoth Shadow Pendant
Combine 6 of listed Mammoth Shadow below and refined 7 or higher:
"+7 Mammoth Shadow Armor"
"+7 Mammoth Shadow Shoes"
"+7 Mammoth Shadow Pendant"
"+7 Mammoth Shadow Earring"
"+7 Mammoth Shadow Weapon"
"+7 Mammoth Shadow Shield"
Refining Level of material items do not affect the result.
Weight : 1
Mammoth Shadow Cube
All 6 types of Mammoth Shadow are packed into one cube.
Mammoth Shadow Armor
Mammoth Shadow Shield
Mammoth Shadow Shoes
Mammoth Shadow Weapon
Mammoth Shadow Earring
Mammoth Shadow Pendant
Weight : 0
Maximum Mammoth Shadow Spellbook
A spellbook that strengthens Maximum Mammoth Shadow.
Gives 1-2 random options without changing the refinement level.
Please note that the existing random option will disappear.
[Shadow Equipment listed:]
Maximum Mammoth Shadow Armor
Maximum Mammoth Shadow Shoes
Maximum Mammoth Shadow Earring
Maximum Mammoth Shadow Pendant
Weight : 1