Ragnarok Online - Events - March Spend Promotion
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March Spend Promotion

March Spend Promotion 2025

March 3rd, 00:00 AM PST, 2025 - April 6th, 23:59 PM PST, 2025


Player will get reward after Spending KP on any Item Malls


  • 1 Account can only get each tier reward once
  • The reward from this event is accumulated (Example : if a player spend 24.000 Kafra Point, they will get 1st Tier - 3rd tier rewards)
  • Reward distribution will be distributed on weekly basis (we will inform in patch note)
  • The prizes are distributed via NPC Code the Redeemer, Location Eden 2nd floor 38 162.
Spend Tier Milestone Item Reward Qty
1st Tier
(*1 Token Raffle)

6.000 Kafra Point

[Event] Invent Expand Coupon
(Account Bound)


[Event]Eps 16 Clear Ticket
(Character Bound)


Costume Popping Poring Aura


Costume Rifle


Wireless Security Drone


Automatic Engine Wing Type C [1]


Blacksmith Blessing


Kachua's Secret Key
(Account Bound)


Class Enchant Stone Box I (Garment)


Class Enchant Stone Box II (Garment)

2nd Tier
(*2 Token Raffle)

12.000 Kafra Point

Costume Baby Gloom Underneath


Costume Ribbon Rabbit Bag


Costume Mystery Wing



Bat Von Blood


Blacksmith Blessing


Kachua's Secret Key
(Account Bound)


[1Day] Premium Subscription Box
(Account Bound)

Class Enchant Stone Box I (Garment)


Class Enchant Stone Box II (Garment)

3rd Tier
(*3 Token Raffle)

24.000 Kafra Point

[Event] Invent Expand Coupon
(Account Bound)


Costume Summer Beach


Costume Blue Magpie Wings


Costume Sun God


Memory Records of Nostalgia [1]


Memory Records of Reminiscences [1]


Blacksmith Blessing


Ymir's Heart Energy Stone
(Reform Material)


Kachua's Secret Key
(Account Bound)


[1Day] Premium Subscription Box
(Account Bound)


Safe to 11 Armor Certificate
(Account Bound)

Safe to 11 Weapon Certificate
(Account Bound)


March Spend and Win RAFFLE

  • Every player that participate in March Spend Promotion will get token per tier for raffle.
  • Token Raffle is accumulate , if player spend until 3rd Tier, they will get token for 1st+2nd+3rd Tier
    • Example 1 : a player spend 12.000 KP during event period, so they have 3 token for raffle (1st Tier + 2nd Tier ) 
    • Example 2 : a player spend 24.000 KP during event period, so they have 6 token for raffle (1st Tier + 2nd Tier + 3rd Tier) 

1st Tier : 1 Token Raffle
2nd Tier : 2 Token Raffle
3rd Tier : 3 Token Raffle

  • This RAFFLE is for all server

Raffle Rewards

Raffle Winner


Safe to 14 Armor Certificate 1x
(Account Bound)

Chaos 2 Winner
Thor 2 Winner
Freya 2 Winner
Account Bound

Safe to 14 Weapon Certificate 1x
(Account Bound)

Chaos 2 Winner
Thor 2 Winner
Freya 2 Winner
Account Bound

Sealed Kiel Card
(Account Bound)
Chaos 1 Winner
Thor 1 Winner
Freya 1 Winner





Item Name Item Description

Costume Popping Poring Aura

A costume aura that puffs out bubbles in the shape of a forcing ring.
Class : Costume Equipment
Defense : 0
Position : Garment
Weight : 0
Required Level : 1
Usable by : All Jobs

Costume Rifle

A costume rifle carried on the back.
Since it is a toy, the bullets are made of cork.
Class : Costume
Defense : 0
Position : Garment
Weight : 0
Requires Level : 1
Usable By : All Jobs

Wireless Security Drone

When performing physical attack, there is a 2% chance to absorb 2% of damage as HP.
When performing physical attack, there is a 1% chance to absorb 1% of damage as SP.

Reduces After Cast Delay by 3%.
Increases EXP received from monsters by 8%.

When defeating monsters with magic attack,
recover 300 HP and 5 SP
Set Bonus:
Wireless Security Drone
Automatic Engine Wing Type C

Increases EXP received from monsters by 4%.
For every 2 refine level of Automatic Engine Wing Type C, increases EXP received from monsters by 1%.
Set Bonus:
Wireless Security Drone
Automatic Armor Type A/B

Increases physical/magical damage against all race monsters (except players) by 8%.
For every 2 refine level of Automatic Armor Type A/B, reduces after dast delay by 1%.
Type : Headgear
Def : 0
Location : Lower
Weight : 45
Required level : 1
Class : All Jobs

Automatic Engine Wing Type C [1]

Enables Level 1 Greed.
MHP +2500.

For every 2 refine level,
ATK and MATK +10.

When refined to +7 or higher,
ASPD +10%, reduces variable casting time by 15%,CRI +10.

When refined to +9 or higher,
Increase melee and long ranged physical damage by 10%.
MATK +10%.

When refined to +11 or higher,
Increase melee and long ranged physical damage by additional 7%.
MATK +10%.
Set Bonus:
Automatic Engine Wing Type C
Automatic Armor Type A/B

If the sum of refine rate of set is 21 or higher,
ignore defense and magical defense of Dragon,Fish and Demon monsters by 30%.
Type : Garment
Def : 35
Weight : 80
Required Level : 100
Class : All Jobs

Costume Baby Gloom Underneath

a miniature model that was modeled after a popular MVP, Gloom Under Night.
Class : Costume
Defense : 0
Position : Middle
Weight : 0
Requires Level : 1
Usable By : All Jobs

Costume Ribbon Rabbit Bag

A rabbit-shaped bag with a ribbon.
Class : Costume Equipment
Defense : 0
Position : Garment
Weight : 0
Required Level : 1
Usable by : All Jobs

Costume Mystery Wing

Rainbow wings with mysterious powers.
Each bird is imbued with magical power and exhibits the power of seven colors.
Class : Costume
Defense : 0
Position : Garment
Weight : 0
Requires Level : 1
Usable By : All Jobs

Bat Von Blood

A small, red vampire bat.
ATK +100, MATK +100,

Recovers 700 HP and 70 SP when monsters are defeated by physical or magical attacks.

Enable to use Greed Lv. 1.

Experience gained from monsters +15%.
Type : Headgear
Def : 20
Location : Lower
Weight : 20
Armor Level : 1
Required Level : 1
Class : All jobs

Costume Summer Beach

A costume that brings to life the feeling of a beach resort with strong sunlight pouring down.
Type : Costume
Defense : 0
Location : Garment
Weight : 0
Required Level : 1
Class : All Jobs

Costume Blue Magpie Wings

A blue phoenix with gorgeous long tail. Fly high, Fly away.
Class : Costume Equipment
Defense : 0
Position : Garment
Weight : 0
Required Level : 1
Usable by : All Jobs

Costume Sun God

A costume that embodies the flaming golden falcon that symbolizes the sun god.
Class : Costume
Defense : 0
Position : Middle
Weight : 0
Requires Level : 1
Usable By : All Jobs

[Event]Eps 16 Clear Ticket
(Character Bound)

Episode 16 Clear Ticket.
*Note: Regardless of the current quest progress, all required episode quests will be completed.
You cannot receive rewards for clearing each quest.

Weight : 0

Sealed Kiel Card

After cast delay reduced by 15%.
If this card is slotted into a headgear refined to +15 or higher, reduces after-cast delay by an additional 5%.
Compounds On: Headgear
Weight: 1

Memory Records of Nostalgia [1]

All talent status +3.
Reduces After Cast Delay by 6%.
Increases physical and magical damage to all property enemies by 12%.
Set Bonus:
Memory Records of Nostalgia [1]
Seyren's Memory

When equipped by Rune Knight job class,

Increases Hundred Spears damage by 70%,
reduces Hundred Spears cooldown by 3 seconds,
When using Hundred Spears, there's a chance 20% to cast Hack and Slash Lv.1(If user has higher level, that level will be auto-cast instead).
Set Bonus:
Memory Records of Nostalgia [1]
Howard's Memory

When equipped by Mechanic job class,

increases Power Swing damage by 70%,
Set Bonus:
Memory Records of Nostalgia [1]
Eremes's Memory

When equipped by Guillotine Cross job class,

Increases Counter Slash damage by 70%,
When using Counter Slash, there's a chance 10% to cast Rolling Cutter Lv.1(If user has higher level, that level will be auto-cast instead).
When using Counter Slash, there's a chance 20% to cast Impact Crater Lv.1(If user has higher level, that level will be auto-cast instead).
Set Bonus:
Memory Records of Nostalgia [1]
Kathryne's Memory

When equipped by Warlock job class,

Reduces Intensification cooldown by 60 seconds,
Increases Soul Expansion damage by 70%,
When using Soul Expansion, there's a chance 20% to cast Soul Vulcan Strike Lv.1(If user has higher level, that level will be auto-cast instead).
Set Bonus:
Memory Records of Nostalgia [1]
Margaretha's Memory

When equipped by Archbishop job class,

Reduces After Cast Delay by 5%,
Increases Judex damage by 70%,
When using Judex, there's a chance 40% to cast Flamen Lv.1(If user has higher level, that level will be auto-cast instead).
Set Bonus:
Memory Records of Nostalgia [1]
Cecil's Memory

When equipped by Ranger job class,

Increases Aimed Bolt damage by 70%,
there's a chance 50% to cast Aimed Bolt Lv.1 when doing ranged physical attack.
When using Aimed Bolt, there's a chance 50% to cast Hawk Rush Lv.1(If user has higher level, that level will be auto-cast instead).
Type : Accessory
Def : 0
Weight : 10
Armor Level : 1
Required Level : 100
Class : All Jobs

Memory Records of Reminiscences [1]

All talent status +3.
Reduces After Cast Delay by 6%.
Increases physical and magical damage to all property enemies by 12%.
Set Bonus:
Memory Records of Reminiscences [1]
Randel's Memory

When equipped by Royal Guard job class,

Enable to use Attack Stance Lv.1,
Increases Earth Drive and Shield Press damage by 70%,
reduces Shield Press cooldown by 2 seconds.
When using Shield Press, there's a chance 80% to cast Earth Drive Lv.1(If user has higher level, that level will be auto-cast instead).
When using Shield Press, there's a chance 25% to cast Shield Shooting Lv.1(If user has higher level, that level will be auto-cast instead).
Set Bonus:
Memory Records of Reminiscences [1]
Flamel's Memory

When equipped by Geneticist job class,

Increases Spore Explosion damage by 70%,
reduces Spore Explosion cooldown by 5 seconds.
Set Bonus:
Memory Records of Reminiscences [1]
Gertie's Memory

When equipped by Shadow Chaser job class,

Increases Neutral magical damage by 20%,
ASPD +10%,
there's a chance 20% to cast Comet Lv.1 when doing basic melee/ranged physical attack.
Set Bonus:
Memory Records of Reminiscences [1]
Celia's Memory

When equipped by Sorcerer job class,

Increases Poison Burst damage by 70%,
reduces Poison Burst cooldown by 2 seconds.
When using Poison Burst, there's a chance 9% to cast Venom Swamp Lv.1(If user has higher level, that level will be auto-cast instead).
Set Bonus:
Memory Records of Reminiscences [1]
Chen's Memory

When equipped by Sura job class,

Reduces After Cast Delay by 5%,
Increases Knuckle Arrow damage by 70%,
When using Knuckle Arrow, there's a chance 20% to cast Explosion Blaster Lv.1(If user has higher level, that level will be auto-cast instead).
Set Bonus:
Memory Records of Reminiscences [1]
Trentini's Memory

When equipped by Wanderer job class,

Increases Arrow Vulcan and Severe Rainstorm damage by 70%,
reduces Arrow Vulcan cooldown by 1.5 seconds.
When using Arrow Vulcan, there's a chance 15% to cast Severe Rainstorm Lv.1(If user has higher level, that level will be auto-cast instead).
When using Arrow Vulcan, there's a chance 40% to cast Rhythm Shooting Lv.1(If user has higher level, that level will be auto-cast instead).
Set Bonus:
Memory Records of Reminiscences [1]
Alphoccio's Memory

When equipped by Maestro job class,

Increases Arrow Vulcan and Severe Rainstorm damage by 70%,
reduces Arrow Vulcan cooldown by 1.5 seconds.
When using Arrow Vulcan, there's a chance 15% to cast Severe Rainstorm Lv.1(If user has higher level, that level will be auto-cast instead).
When using Arrow Vulcan, there's a chance 40% to cast Rhythm Shooting Lv.1(If user has higher level, that level will be auto-cast instead).
Type : Accessory
Def : 0
Weight : 10
Armor Level : 1
Required Level : 100
Class : All Jobs


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