Ragnarok Online - Updates - Transcendent Classes update(2)-2
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Transcendent Classes update(2)-2

After you meet with Valkyrie, she will change you back to a Novice and reset all your stats to 1. You will no longer have any skills other than the basic skills. In short, you will have to rebuild your character and level it up once again. The main difference from a reborn Novice and an ordinary Novice is that the reborn Novice will be given 52 stat points to allocate.
▲The Book of Ymir ▲It will tell you about reincarnation
▲Go to where Valkyrie awaits ▲Go inside

If you were a Swordman, you will become a transcendent class Swordman. If you decide to be the same job as you were before, you will retrieve all the quest skills that you had previously gained upon job change and you will not have to repeat these quests. You will also be given an additional 30% HP and SP.
▲ Transcendent Class NPCs

▲She’s dressed rather modestly,
Considering she’s the legendary Valkyrie
▲You’ll become a Novice in the blink of an eye
▲You will be sent to the graveyard in Prontera ▲Valkyrie is rumored to look like this
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