Ragnarok Online - Events - [R]Road to the Ragnarok World Championship Tournaments!
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[R]Road to the Ragnarok World Championship Tournaments!

With the first RWC using Renewal mechanics just around the corner, we are setting up two scrimmage tournaments this October to prep the team that will be representing iRO. These will take place on Sakray at 11am on Saturday October 13 and Saturday October 27>.

It's essential to remaining competitive to give the USRC winning team opportunities to practice before they leave for the worldwide competition, to that end we are trying to set things up to closely resemble the environment that they will face later this year.

This is a continuation of the PVP events that we ran earlier this year, so registration is going to be informal, team leaders need to show up with their entire team by the beginning of the event or they will not be able to participate.

The Rules and item restrictions will be very close to USRC, which was set up to resemble RWC's Renewal mechanics. Teams will compete with each other, with the defeated team sent to face the RWC team until only two teams remain. We will be using the maps from RWC for this competition.

We have a sponsorship with Ultimate Game Card to provide prizes for these top 2 teams and will also be providing a live stream of the action on our twitch.tv page!