Drifter's Cape
A cape worn by the drifting gunmen of the west. It looks pretty durable.
Class: Garment
Defense: 0
Weight: 40
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: All Jobs
Reduces damage taken from Neutral property attacks by 20%.
If upgrade level is +7 or higher,
Reduces damage taken from Neutral property attacks by an additional 5%.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Reduces damage taken from Neutral property attacks by an additional 5%.
Elder Staff
A staff created by the natives ancestors of Rockridge.
Class: One-Handed Staff
Attack: 60
Property: Neutral
Weight: 50
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Acolyte Jobs
Matk + 150
Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills by 10%.
If upgrade level is +7 or higher,
Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills by an additional 5%.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Increases the recovery rate of recovery skills by an additional 10%.
Elemental Cape
A cape imbued with the power of nature.
Class: Garment
Defense: 12
Weight: 50
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Sorcerer
Flee + 10
Additional Flee + 5 per 3 upgrade levels.
Reduces damage taken from Neutral property attacks by 10%.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Aspd + 5%
Set Bonus
Elemental Cape
Elemental Origin
Elemental Robe
Adds a 5% chance of casting Level 5 Fire Ball on the target when performing a magical attack, if a higher level of this skill is known, it will be cast instead.
Adds a 6% chance of buffing the user for 1 minute when using Double Bolt; Matk + 50.
Elemental Origin
A grimoire that explains the origin of elemental magic and compiles all elemental spells.
Class: Book
Attack: 120
Property: Neutral
Weight: 80
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Sorcerer
Int + 4
Matk + 150
Increases the damage of Cold Bolt, Fire Bolt and Lightning Bolt by 10%.
If upgrade level is +7 or higher,
Increases the damage of Cold Bolt, Fire Bolt and Lightning Bolt by an additional 10%.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Increases the damage of Cold Bolt, Fire Bolt and Lightning Bolt by an additional 10%.
Set Bonus
Elemental Cape
Elemental Origin
Elemental Robe
Adds a 5% chance of casting Level 5 Fire Ball on the target when performing a magical attack, if a higher level of this skill is known, it will be cast instead.
Adds a 6% chance of buffing the user for 1 minute when using Double Bolt; Matk + 50.
Elemental Robe
A robe imbued with the power of nature.
Class: Armor
Defense: 40
Property: Neutral
Weight: 50
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Sorcerer
Matk + 5 per 2 upgrade levels of the item.
Aspd + 10%
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Adds a 5% chance of casting Level 5 Thunder Storm on the target when performing a short-ranged attack, if a higher level of this skill is known, it will be cast instead.
Set Bonus
Elemental Cape
Elemental Origin
Elemental Robe
Adds a 5% chance of casting Level 5 Fire Ball on the target when performing a magical attack, if a higher level of this skill is known, it will be cast instead.
Adds a 6% chance of buffing the user for 1 minute when using Double Bolt; Matk + 50.
Golden Ninja Suit
A suit worn by the ninjas who were hired to secure ownership of some gold mine.
Class: Armor
Defense: 50
Property: Neutral
Weight: 50
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Kagerou/Oboro
Flee + 5 per 2 upgrade levels of the item.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Increases the damage of Kunai Splash by 20%.
Set Bonus
Golden Ninja Suit
Golden Scarf
Huuma Shuriken of Dancing Petals
Reduces the cooldown of Swirling Petal by 1 second.
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 15%.
Set Bonus
Golden Ninja Suit
Golden Scarf
Increases the damage of Kunai Explosion by 20%.
Increases the damage of Kunai Splash by 50%.
Golden Scarf
A scarf worn by the ninjas who were hired to secure ownership of some gold mine.
Class: Garment
Defense: 12
Weight: 50
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Kagerou/Oboro
Flee + 20
If upgrade level is +7 or higher,
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 5%.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by an additional 5%.
Set Bonus
Golden Ninja Suit
Golden Scarf
Huuma Shuriken of Dancing Petals
Reduces the cooldown of Swirling Petal by 1 second.
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 15%.
Set Bonus
Golden Ninja Suit
Golden Scarf
Increases the damage of Kunai Explosion by 20%.
Increases the damage of Kunai Splash by 50%.
Hippie Clothes
Clothes that embody the wearer's yearning for personal freedom. They're old and ragged, but allow free movement.
Class: Armor
Defense: 50
Property: Neutral
Weight: 50
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Maestro, Wanderer
Atk + 20
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Adds a 1% chance of casting Level 3 Double Strafe on the target when performing a short-ranged attack, if a higher level of this skill is known, it will be cast instead.
Set Bonus
Hippie Clothes
Hippie Feather
Hippie Guitar
Atk + 30
Aspd + 1
Increases critical damage on targets by 20%.
Set Bonus
Hippie Clothes
Hippie Feather
Hippie Rope
Atk + 30
Aspd + 1
Increases critical damage on targets by 20%.
Hippie Feather
A bracelet that embodies the wearer's yearning for personal freedom.
Class: Accessory
Weight: 20
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Maestro, Wanderer
Flee + 5
Crit + 5
Set Bonus
Hippie Clothes
Hippie Feather
Hippie Guitar
Atk + 30
Aspd + 1
Increases critical damage on targets by 20%.
Set Bonus
Hippie Clothes
Hippie Feather
Hippie Rope
Atk + 30
Aspd + 1
Increases critical damage on targets by 20%.
Hippie Guitar
A guitar that embodies the player's yearning for personal freedom. It's old and beat-up, and it's heavy enough to do some serious damage when swung.
Class: Musical Instrument
Attack: 140
Property: Neutral
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Minstrel
Aspd + 1% per level of Musical Lessons known.
If upgrade level is +7 or higher,
Atk + 5 per level of Musical Lessons known.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Aspd + 1
Set Bonus
Hippie Clothes
Hippie Feather
Hippie Guitar
Atk + 30
Aspd + 1
Increases critical damage on targets by 20%.
Hippie Rope
Rope that embodies the wielder's yearning for personal freedom. Old and worn, it bends and thrashes more flexibly than new rope.
Class: Whip
Attack: 140
Property: Neutral
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Wanderer
Aspd + 1% per level of Dance Lessons known.
If upgrade level is +7 or higher,
Atk + 5 per level of Dance Lessons known.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Aspd + 1
Set Bonus
Hippie Clothes
Hippie Feather
Hippie Rope
Atk + 30
Aspd + 1
Increases critical damage on targets by 20%.
Huuma Shuriken of Dancing Petals
A huuma shuriken used by the ninjas who were hired to secure ownership of some gold mine.
Class: Huuma Shuriken
Attack: 250
Property: Neutral
Weight: 200
Weapon Level: 4
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Kagerou/Oboro
Increases the damage of Swirling Petal by 20%.
If upgrade level is +7 or higher,
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 10%.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Increases the damage of Swirling Petal by an additional 20%.
Set Bonus
Golden Ninja Suit
Golden Scarf
Huuma Shuriken of Dancing Petals
Reduces the cooldown of Swirling Petal by 1 second.
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 15%.
Liquor Bottle
An empty liquor bottle. It makes an effective weapon.
Class: Mace
Attack: 120
Property: Neutral
Weight: 70
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Novice Jobs, Swordman Jobs, Merchant Jobs, Acolyte Jobs
Adds a 3% chance of inflicting Stun on the target when performing a physical attack per upgrade level of the item.
This item is indestructible in battle.
Mine Worker's Backpack
A leather backpack used by the miners of some gold mine.
Class: Garment
Defense: 16
Weight: 60
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Mechanic
Aspd + 5%
Additional Aspd + 1% per 2 upgrade levels of the item.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Atk + 20
Set Bonus
Mine Worker's Backpack
Mine Worker's Pickaxe
Mine Worker's Vest
Atk + 5%
Aspd + 10%
Increases critical damage on targets by 10%.
Mine Worker's Pickaxe
A pickax used by the miners of some gold mine. Its heavy weight adds to its destructive power.
Class: Two-Handed Axe
Attack: 300
Property: Neutral
Weight: 400
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Mechanic
Adds a 0.5% chance of buffing the user for 7 seconds when performing a short-ranged attack; Crit + 20.
This item is indestructible in battle.
If upgrade level is +7 or higher,
Increases critical damage on targets by 5%.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Increases critical damage on targets by an additional 10%.
Set Bonus
Mine Worker's Backpack
Mine Worker's Pickaxe
Mine Worker's Vest
Atk + 5%
Aspd + 10%
Increases critical damage on targets by 10%.
Mine Worker's Vest
A leather vest worn by the miners of some gold mine. It feels soft to the touch.
Class: Armor
Defense: 80
Property: Neutral
Weight: 150
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Mechanic
Flee + 10
Additional Flee + 4 per 2 upgrade levels of the item.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Crit + 5
Set Bonus
Mine Worker's Backpack
Mine Worker's Pickaxe
Mine Worker's Vest
Atk + 5%
Aspd + 10%
Increases critical damage on targets by 10%.
A sharp, purple-tinged dagger used by the ninjas who were hired to secure ownership of some gold mine.
Class: Dagger
Attack: 100
Property: Neutral
Weight: 80
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Kagerou/Oboro
Increases the damage of Kunai Explosion by 1% per level of Dagger Throwing Practice known.
If upgrade level is +7 or higher,
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 2%.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by an additional 3%.
Set Bonus
Golden Ninja Suit
Golden Scarf
Increases the damage of Kunai Explosion by 20%.
Increases the damage of Kunai Splash by 50%.
Vigilante Badge
A badge worn by members of a vigilante group that once existed to stop criminals.
Class: Accessory
Weight: 20
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Shadow Chaser
Flee + 10
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 5%.
Set Bonus
Vigilante Badge
Vigilante Bow
Vigilante Suit
Increases the damage of Double Strafe by 50%.
Reduces the SP cost of Triangle Shot by 10.
Vigilante Bow
A bow used by members of a vigilante group that once existed to stop criminals.
Class: Bow
Attack: 140
Property: Neutral
Weight: 100
Weapon Level: 3
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Shadow Chaser
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 5% for every 20 base Dex.
If upgrade level is +7 or higher,
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by an additional 10%.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Increases the damage of Double Strafe by 50%.
Set Bonus
Vigilante Badge
Vigilante Bow
Vigilante Suit
Increases the damage of Double Strafe by 50%.
Reduces the SP cost of Triangle Shot by 10.
Vigilante Suit
A suit worn by members of a vigilante group that once existed to stop criminals.
Class: Armor
Defense: 50
Property: Neutral
Weight: 50
Required Level: 100
Required Jobs: Shadow Chaser
Dex + 5
Increases long-ranged damage on targets by 3% per 2 upgrade levels of the item.
If upgrade level is +9 or higher,
Increases the damage of Triangle Shot by 20%.
Set Bonus
Vigilante Badge
Vigilante Bow
Vigilante Suit
Increases the damage of Double Strafe by 50%.
Reduces the SP cost of Triangle Shot by 10.